Fordern Sie sich selbst heraus, indem Sie dieses knallharte 3D-Puzzle mit dem Nashornkäfer zusammensetzen und entdecken Sie die Schönheit der mechanischen Kunst.
ROKR Kaiserskorpion
Fordern Sie sich selbst heraus, indem Sie dieses knallharte 3D-Puzzle mit dem Nashornkäfer zusammensetzen und entdecken Sie die Schönheit der mechanischen Kunst.
The Rhinoceros Beetle MI01 is the third product of Rokr's DIY Mechanic Organism 3D puzzle Series after the Storm Beetle MI03. Inspired by the real rhinoceros beetle in nature, our designers combined steampunk elements with it to create a highly mechanical aesthetic rhinoceros beetle model while retaining its details, such as the body shape, horn, legs and wings. The main body of the beetle is made of ABS polymer structure material with good impact resistance, the hard wings are covered with leather, and the limbs are made of soft PVC material to protect the model better.
After connecting the custom base, the model can be activated by gently touching the activation point at the top of the base: the motor speed up to 1200 rpm, and the membranous wings can vibrate 618 times per minute, simulating the movement of real rhinoceros beetles.
As the overall control of the squad, the rhinoceros beetle plays a vital role in the entire team - its intelligent brain is able to coordinate tactics quickly and deliver mission instructions thanks to the core armored horn. In addition, its hydraulic mechanical forelimbs, orange peel leather armor, and membranous wing heat abstractor also help it to play better on the battlefield as well as protect its body from enemy attacks. What's more, this rhinoceros beetle model also has eight sets of brass piston connecting rods built in to show the engine cylinder running at high speed. Also, the LED engine indicator light illuminate the internal mechanical structure of the engine, enhancing the power perception and also making the whole model cooler.
*Notes: Due to customs policy, battery(AAA*3) may not be included in the package.

Armoured horn

V-type eight-cylinder engine

Engine indicator light

Hydraulic mechanical forelimbs

Tail steam vent

ROKR Scout Käfer
Dieses selbst zusammensetzbare 3D-Puzzle eines bionischen mechanischen Käfermodells bietet Ihnen ein beispielloses Hardcore-DIY-Erlebnis!
ROKR new DIY Mechanic Organism 3D puzzle Series is here! The designer combines steampunk elements with real beetles that exist in nature to create a highly mechanical aesthetic battle mech. While restoring the details of the beetle, it also shapes the realistic mechanical transformation body shape.The main body of MI02 Beetle is made of ABS polymer structure material with good impact resistance, and the appendages are made of soft PVC material to better protect the model. At the same time, the designer also added a large number of metal components to the beetle's membrane fins and abdomen - this not only enhances the texture of the model, but also achieves such functions as membrane fin vibration, power demonstration, etc.
Connected to the bottom of the power supply base, a number of models also have vibrating membrane fins, stereo dazzling light effect,full-scene detection light,kinetic gear set,emergency vortex acceleration port, active phased-array radar,Horizontal identification compass,dynamic & static pressure Instrumentationt and other functions.
*Notes: Due to customs policy, battery(AAA*3) may not be included in the package.
MI02 Beetle is the scout of the squad, it uses the real beetles in the natural world as the design prototype. After connecting the custom base, the model can be activated by gently touching the activation point at the top of the base.This cool DIY 3D puzzle is highly playable, ideal for hardcore players to collect and play!

Simulated metal vibrating membrane wings are under the protection of hard wings on both sides. Activate it by gently touching the button on the base

The top detection light & the radar can control the battlefield situation in real time

The body is equipped with LED light modules to bring punk ambient lighting effect

Forged by powder metallurgy process & provide efficient mechanical transmission

Miniature planetary geared motor can provide strong and continuous power supply

ROKR Sturmkäfer
Dieses selbst zusammensetzbare 3D-Puzzle eines bionisch-mechanischen Sturmkäfer-Modells bietet Ihnen ein beispielloses Hardcore-DIY-Erlebnis!
It seems like ROKR Storm Beetle is a mechanical beetle with everything. It has a large and unique mandible, a pair of outstretched wings and energy reactors equipped with various advanced technologies, which make it more powerful.
Inspired by the real stag beetle in nature, our designers combined steampunk elements with it to create a highly mechanical aesthetic stag beetle model while retaining its details, such as the body shape, the large jaws, and the wings.The main body of the Storm Beetle is made of ABS polymer structural material with good impact resistance, and the appendage is made of soft PVC material, which all can better protect the model.
*Notes: Due to customs policy, battery(AAA*3) may not be included in the package.

ROKR Kaiserskorpion
Bauen Sie den Kaiser-Skorpion zusammen, um ein mechanisiertes Spitzenprädatortier freizusetzen, das Ihre Feinde auf dem Schlachtfeld gnadenlos jagen wird.
It seems like ROKR Awaken the ferocious Emperor Scorpion and lead your comrades to victory. Its foes will tremble in terror in the face of its highly mechanized transformation. While this war machine retains a classic-shaped left pincer, its right pincer has evolved to a three-claw gripping power arm with a strong core that allows it to utilize different rotation modes to tear apart its enemies.
Of course, the highlight is the Emperor Scorpion’s towering tail which is equipped with sharp brass-colored metal spikes to enhance its melee capability. The blue light on its tail allows it to sting its enemies with amazing precision, while the green light indicates the tail’s lethal neurotoxins that can kill its prey with one hit.
The Rokr Emperor Scorpion Model is a DIY 3D puzzle that’s made of ABS polymer, metal, and leather for steampunk aesthetics. With medium difficulty, it’s a great project for teens and adults looking for a cool design paired with a straightforward assembly. Once completed, it’s display-ready as it sits on top of an industrial-style base in all its retrofuturistic glory.
*Notes: Due to customs policy, battery(AAA*3) may not be included in the package.


J. König
Dieses Modell ist unglaublich! Es ist mein erstes aus Metall, aber bestimmt nicht das letzte. Es hält mich auf Trab!
12. Januar 2024

Ich liebe dieses Puzzle! Es ist so cool und macht so viel Spaß! Ich liebe alle Details, die so schön sind!!!!!
18. Dezember 2023

Sehr cooler Modellbausatz, vorlackiert, einige Werkzeuge enthalten, als Geschenk geeignet
2. Januar 2023

Maria Hough
Es war ein Geschenk für meinen Mann und er hat sich sehr darüber gefreut.
18. Dezember 2022

Die Anweisungen sind kristallklar, ich habe etwa 5 Stunden gebraucht, um es fertigzustellen.
31. Juli 2023

Stephen Boothe
Ich kann gar nicht in Worte fassen, wie viel Spaß es mir gemacht hat, dieses Produkt zusammenzubauen. Der Detailgrad der Konstruktion war fantastisch.
28. Januar 2023
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